
Employee policies and procedures are descriptions of how all employees, regardless of job description or title, are expected to conduct themselves.

What is
Company Policy?

Company policy and procedures are set in place to establish the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining the responsibilities of both employees and employers. The management of company policy and procedures aim to protect the rights of workers as well as the business interests of employers. Depending on the needs of the organization, various policies and procedures establish rules regarding employee conduct, attendance, dress code, privacy and other areas related to the terms and conditions of employment.

Environmental Policy

We committed to protect the environment by minimizing pollution, waste and optimizing fuel and energy consumption by using eco friendly technologies, Shiv Ganga Construction will comply with all the legal requirements for protection of environment.

Shiv Ganga Construction will use resources efficiently and as far as possible use renewable natural resources. We will seek to protect the environment by preventing or minimising its environmental impact.

Shiv Ganga Construction bases its environmental efforts on gradual improvements to the business. The many minor environmental adjustments that are made every day are just as important as the major changes. The sum of all these measures will be characterised by preventive, continual environmental work.

Health & Safety Policy

It is Target’s primary and continuing undertaking to provide adequate provisions for the Health and Safety of our employees’ contractors at all times, while at their place of work.

The Company through its employees and contractors also undertakes protect members of public and other person from potential danger caused by any of its activities. We believe all injuries and incidents are preventable. Our goal for injuries, occupational illnesses and environmental incidents is zero.

Alcohol & Drug Free Policy

Shiv Ganga Construction is committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. We recognize that alcohol or drug abuse can impair and affect health and job performance. It is also hazardous to our workplace safety, employee’s well- being and productivity. Therefore, we must ensure that our work place is free of any alcohol and drug or related problems. No employee will be allowed to work under the influence of alcohol or drug. Use or possession of drug or alcoholic beverages on our work place is strictly forbidden.

Quality Policy

Shiv Ganga Construction strives to remain a trend setter in its operations to timely execute the allotted works in a professional and fail-safe manner, not only as a mandatory requirement, but for overall benefit of the society.

A quality policy is a document that provides guidelines, intentions, and goals of your company referring to quality intentions. When creating one, you will describe your company’s strategy and policies that will serve various interested parties. Make it to be a more practical and useful document rather than just a documented statement. Include the strategy for continual improvement. And its top management's responsibility to involve interested parties through the exchange of information. Plus, it's their commitment to distribute the quality policy and communicate it within the organization.